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CSIA Member Testimonials

"CSIA is an invaluable organization dedicated to shaping public policy around cyber security. �With a proactive, innovative approach, CSIA has their pulse on every security issue posing a threat to consumers, industry and government on a global level. �Their voice represents our industry with integrity."

Toby Weiss
President & CEO, Application Security, Inc.

"The momentum CSIA has gained in becoming a powerful voice for the information security industry is most impressive, offering its members and the community a unique forum for communicating with legislators and other influencers that shape the future of data security policy. Crossroads Systems sees CSIA as a� very� influential��group that�represents�a�wide variety of players helping to push for effective, meaningful approaches to data theft prevention, privacy and compliance."�

Rob Sims
President & CEO, Crossroads Systems

"Given today's�data security and compliance forever-evolving challenges, CSIA offers a unique and powerful platform bridging the gap between data security legislators, lead industry influencers and key technology providers. As an unprecedented and alarmingly growing amount of unplanned yet, devastating incidents keeps on arising yearly, the CSIA community provides critical expertise by jointly delivering specific recommendations to complex data protection, privacy and compliance issues whilst ensuring enhanced communications, productivity and business continuity � globally."� �

Anyck Turgeon
Chief of Market Strategy & Security, Crossroads Systems

"A trusted Internet is critical to America�s continued economic leadership.� The CSIA acts as a crucial forum for industry debate and consensus-building, impacting federal legislation that maintains public confidence in our information infrastructure."

Ken Denman
Chairman & CEO, iPass

"CSIA provides a strong industry voice to our legislators and policymakers �The organization's ability to pull together and communicate the common interests and needs of the information security industry leaders is critical in helping us make progress that is effective and economically feasible."

Phillip Dunkelberger
CEO & President, PGP Corporation

"...organizations like the Cyber Security Industry Alliance are so important at this inflection point in our industry. If you don't know much about them, I encourage you to learn more. And if you haven't joined, please do. They are our voice - and it must be heard."

John W. Thompson
Chairman & CEO, Symantec Corporation

"CSIA is an invaluable resource for policy makers and legislators seeking to address the difficult information security issues in today's wide open world of ubiquitous mobile devices and global connectivity. Our members are uniquely qualified to offer advice on what can and should be done to protect citizen privacy, safeguard sensitive data, and secure critical systems."

Joseph Ansanelli,
Chairman & CEO, Vontu, Inc.