President's Message
While much has been written in recent years about the growing cybercrime problem, the best job at capturing the nature and extent of the problem and what is being done about it is the recent "Ghosts in the Browser" three-part investigative series prepared by Ryan Blitstein of the San Jose Mercury News.
CSIA Applauds Senate Passage of Cybercrime Bill
CSIA applauds the Senate for unanimously passing legislation yesterday that would provide new tools to federal prosecutors to combat identify theft and other computer crimes. The legislation (S. 2168) was introduced on October 16 by Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy and Ranking Member Arlen Specter and largely responds to complaints by the Department of Justice that current laws have failed to keep pace with the complexity of the crimes that are perpetrated.
New Information Security Initiatives Launched in October
Two significant initiatives that bring industry experts together to help improve the state of information security were announced in October � the Commission on Cyber Security for the 44th Presidency and the Software Assurance Forum for Excellence in Code (SAFECode).
U.S. Cyber Security Briefs
Nearly Every Agency's E-Gov Progress Score Drops on PMA
Cybercops: U.S. Targets Terrorists as Online Thieves Run Amok
Targeting Internet Terror
Panel Must Narrow Cybersecurity Scope
Setting a Cybersecurity Agenda for the 110th Congress
Identity Stolen? Senators Want Thieves to Pay for Your Troubles
McClellan: Feds Should Resolve Health IT Privacy, Security Issues
FTC: More Spyware-Fighting Tools Needed
Senators Aim to Bolster Fight Against Cyber Crimes
Letter from the Director of European Affairs
Finally, the European Commission has presented its proposals for the review of the EU regulatory Framework for eCommunications. Originally planned for January of this year, Commissioner Viviane Reding presented the proposals after almost two years of extensive public consultations and internal discussions in Strasbourg on 13 November.
Commission Presents Proposals for EU Telecoms Review
Commissioner Viviane Reding, responsible for Information Society and Media, has presented the long anticipated proposals for the review of the EU regulatory framework for electronic communications on 13 November in Strasbourg.
RSA Conference Europe 2007
The RSA Conference Europe 2007 kicked off on Monday 22 October in London with a keynote presentation by Art Coviello, Executive Vice President, EMC and President, RSA, The Security Division of EMC and a panel discussion on the pros and cons of Data Security and Breach Notification obligations. Led by CSIA's Director European Affairs Marika Konings, the panel reviewed the current state of data security legislation and breach notification requirements in Europe as well as the United States.
E.U. and Global Cyber Security Briefs
EU Pushes Anti-Terror Plans for Air Travel and Web
UN Approves Resolution Related to Cyber Attacks
UK Leads Demand for Data Security in Europe
Germany Seeks Expansion of Computer Spying
Cyber Security Corner: Using International Standards in your Compliance Program
Gary Pearsons, President, BSI Management Systems Americas
In a world of ever-increasing information, security requirements and regulations, companies must manage a complex compliance environment that has resulted in a multitude of linked processes. The primary driver of all of these requirements and regulation is the mitigation of risk and the threat of a security breach. The unintended result of these actions has been a proliferation of regulation and requirements that creates multiple, and often times redundant, work that you must complete.
CSIA Congressional Spotlight
Senator Patrick Leahy
Patrick Leahy of Middlesex was elected to the United States Senate in 1974 and remains the only Democrat � and, when elected at 34, the youngest person � elected to this office from Vermont. Leahy was born in Montpelier and grew up within sight of the Statehouse. He served for eight years as State's Attorney in Chittenden County and was selected (1974) as one of three outstanding prosecutors in the United States.
A Conversation with Senator Leahy
How did you become interested in cyber security issues?
Patrick Leahy (PL):The Internet is a powerful tool for good, but like any technology, it also attracts criminals who see new opportunities for fraud and other abuses.S In order to protect the Internet as the essential avenue it has become for commerce, education and communication, I have worked over the years to find ways to help our law enforcement officers keep pace with these threats, so they can keep cyber crime low and the users of the Internet safe.