Home � About CSIA � Privacy Policy
Cyber Security Industry Alliance Privacy PolicyWhen you visit and browse the Cyber Security Industry Alliance public Web site, you do so anonymously. We do not collect personal information unless you choose to provide it to us. Information submitted from any forms on the public Web site, except that which is submitted on a membership application (see below), will not be passed on to any third party outside the Cyber Security Industry Alliance. The Cyber Security Industry Alliance monitors Website use. On the public Web site, information that we gather is based on the IP address alone. This information is used only by the Cyber Security Industry Alliance and its Website agents. Login is required to access members-only information or to gain access to the members� portal; in this case, additional user information is captured. For site security purposes and to ensure that this Web site remains available to all users, the Cyber Security Industry Alliance monitors network traffic and use. Anyone using this Web site expressly consents to such monitoring. We use cookies to record session information and to track a user's path through our web sites. This enables us to respond to any problems with our service and to offer a more personalized service. Your privacy is important and the information that you provide to us will be used only to send you information and/or news about the Cyber Security Industry Alliance. You may choose to sign up for Cyber Security Industry Alliance electronic mailing lists. If you decide to subscribe to an electronic mailing list, you will be provided an easy, convenient way to unsubscribe at any time. Membership Application Information that you provide on the Cyber Security Industry Alliance membership application is used to create a member profile in our database, and some information is shared with other Cyber Security Industry Alliance individual member representatives and organizations. Member contact information is provided to other members on a secure Web site. You will be able to make decisions on what information is shared and how this information is viewed. The secure members portal and Web site utilizes individual user names and passwords. Personal information provided on the members Web site is made available to other Cyber Security Industry Alliance members to encourage and facilitate collaboration, research, and the free exchange of information among Cyber Security Industry Alliance members. CSIA members are automatically added to CSIA member mailing lists. From time to time, member information may be shared with event organizers and/ or other organizations who provide additional benefits to Cyber Security Industry Alliance members. By providing us with your personal information on the membership application, you consent to our processing the information for the purposes outlined above. If you have any questions concerning the Cyber Security Industry Alliance privacy policy, send email to [email protected]. |