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Digital Confidence Survey

In 2005, CSIA created the Digital Confidence Index (DCI) as a means of tracking public confidence in key elements of the various networks that have become an integral part of modern life, such as the Internet, the telecommunications network and the power grid. The index rates public confidence on a scale of 10-100. The current score of 57 shows a level of anxiety that the public feels toward the US digital infrastructure that is starting to have both political and economic consequences.

May 2006 DCI Survey Results

New Survey from CSIA Member Vontu Reveals Data Breaches Undermine Consumer Confidence

In the wake of massive data breaches at businesses, educational institutions and medical facilities, consumers are modifying their purchasing behavior out of concern for the security of their personal information. A new study conducted by Ponemon Institute on behalf of Vontu shows that the high percentage of individuals that have been notified of a data loss event has contributed to increased consumer security worries. These data breaches may negatively impact consumer buying behavior, including reluctance to use electronic payment methods to purchase from an online merchant they don�t know, and unwillingness to provide certain types of personal data when registering online.

Key findings from the study include:

  • 62% of respondents have been notified that their confidential data has been lost or stolen.
  • 84% of respondents who were notified reported increased concern or anxiety due to data loss events.
  • 62% of respondents said that they would be more upset with a company that lost their information due to negligence than if that company lost their information as the result of a criminal enterprise or theft.
  • 36% of respondents stated that they would not use their credit or debit card to make a purchase with a Web merchant they don�t know. Respondents who have received notification are more cautious when sharing their credit card (43% vs. 32%) and debit card (44% vs. 32%).� In other words, findings suggest that breach notification may affect consumer behavior.
  • 45% said they would not provide their Social Security number on a Web site.

More detailed information about the study can be found here: