CSIA Members:� Industry Research and SurveysNew Survey Provides Insight on Insider Attitudes Toward Database ProtectionIncreased connectivity has brought not only tremendous economic and social benefits, but also increased vulnerability for company and government databases from both outsider and insider threats. To better gauge how business and government organizations secure database resources and respond to targeted threats, Application Security, Inc. and the Ponemon Institute queried 649 respondents in corporate information technology (IT) departments within U.S. and EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Asia) based business or governmental organizations. The survey found that �trusted� insiders� ability to compromise critical data is the most serious concern for respondent organizations. The four key issues examined in this inaugural study, completed in June 2007, were:
Key findings include:
The survey ranked data in terms of greatest risk to the core business in the following order:
A copy of the report can be obtained at www.appsecinc.com. August 2007 New Survey from CSIA Member Vontu Reveals Data Breaches Undermine Consumer ConfidenceIn the wake of massive data breaches at businesses, educational institutions and medical facilities, consumers are modifying their purchasing behavior out of concern for the security of their personal information. A new study conducted by Ponemon Institute on behalf of Vontu shows that the high percentage of individuals that have been notified of a data loss event has contributed to increased consumer security worries. These data breaches may negatively impact consumer buying behavior, including reluctance to use electronic payment methods to purchase from an online merchant they don�t know, and unwillingness to provide certain types of personal data when registering online. Key findings from the study include:
More detailed information about the study can be found here: http://www.vontu.com/news/release_detail.asp?ID=587 Online Banking Security: FFIEC Deployment ExperiencesFacing a looming deadline for compliance with the FFIEC guidelines for stronger online authentication, banks were racing to get ready. From August through September 2006, Entrust commissioned the Aite Group to target and survey a dozen financial institutions that have already selected their strong authentication and/or fraud detection vendors and have currently engaged in or completed their FFIEC projects, or were well down that path. The purpose of studying these institutions is to gain insight into their FFIEC compliance projects, which may assist other financial institutions as they begin their own FFIEC initiatives.� Entrust 2006 Mobile Workforce Security SurveyOrganizations are more concerned than ever that they could be subject to costly data breaches. In fact, in a recent survey, 75 percent of respondents from various industries indicated that they believe the occurrence of data breaches involving confidential personal information happens more than once a day in the U.S. alone. While concern is at an all-time high, research shows that most enterprises are not doing enough to minimize the risk of data breaches. Entrust commissioned Osterman Research, Inc. to survey certain North American enterprises and determine how they are currently dealing with mobile workforce security issues. With heavier reliance on remote access and mobile devices to hold sensitive corporate and customer data, the risk of potential data theft or loss, and the resulting costs of publicly disclosing these breaches are taking a toll on corporations across North America.
Most organizations have addressed these risks through policy and training, yet the majority of those surveyed acknowledge that policies alone are not effective, nor sufficient. 2006 Cost of a Data Breach StudyPGP Corporation, Vontu, Inc., and The Ponemon Institute, a privacy and information management research firm, recently released the 2006 Annual Study: Cost of a Data Breach. This benchmark analysis details the financial impact of data loss incidents on affected companies. Initiated in 2005, the study examines all financial consequences of data breaches involving consumers' personally identifiable information. According to the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, more than 330 data loss incidents involving more than 93 million individual records have occurred since February 2005. According to the study's 2006 findings, data breaches cost companies an average of $182 per compromised record, a 31 percent increase over 2005. The Ponemon Institute analyzed 31 different incidents for the study. Total costs for each ranged from less than $1 million to more than $22 million. CSIA Members:� White PapersHow to Deploy BS 25999 The purpose of British Standard 25999 is to provide a basis for understanding, developing and implementing business continuity within an organization and to provide confidence in business-to-business and business-to-customer dealings.� British Standard 25999 is written in two parts.� Part 1, the Code of Practice, outlines the standard's overall objectives, guidance and recommendations.� Part 2, the Specifications, details the activities that should be completed in order to meet business continuity objectives within the context of an organization's overall business risks. |