CSIA Recommendations to the Department of Homeland Security
Cyber Security Preparedness and Response Priorities
CSIA believes that ensuring the resiliency and integrity of our national
information infrastructure should be a higher priority for the federal
government. While numerous federal agencies have cyber security
responsibilities, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has a special
role as the focal point for critical infrastructure protection. It has the
duty to lead, set priorities and facilitate protection and response in the
case of a major cyber disruption.
CSIA offers the following six recommendations to DHS as it
refines its role in cyber security preparedness and
1. Increase Leadership
Appointing an assistant secretary for cyber security and
telecommunications was a significant first step by DHS. As the focal point
for cyber security leadership within the federal government, the new
assistant secretary should crystallize a few key priorities that reflect the
fact that the critical functions of all industry sectors rely on information
technology and telecommunications, and develop programs that support and
achieve those priorities. Additionally, DHS and the White House should take
steps to consolidate multiple presidential-level bodies with overlapping
responsibilities in the areas of IT and telecommunications.
2. Sponsor Prevention and Mitigation Programs
Programs need to be in place that aim to prevent or minimize a major
cyber disruption. One example is a greater focus on research and development
(R&D). DHS should increase its support and funding for R&D efforts.
Another example is insurance programs. Insurance is a practical way for
organizations to recover from a catastrophic loss, yet cyber incidents are
not usually covered because of a lack of clarity on how traditional risk
management structures can be practically applied. DHS, in partnership with
the Department of Commerce, should sponsor research into viable uses of
private-sector insurance coverage for cyber attacks.
3. Establish an Early Warning System
The nation lacks a formal cyber early warning system that provides
situational awareness of cyber attacks. While there are some similar warning
mechanisms in place, such as the Information Sharing and Analysis Centers
(ISACs), we still lack a federally-supported, formal system that provides
rapid and clear indication that an attack is underway and alerts all key
stakeholders. DHS should support the ISACs and ensure that a more holistic
system is put into place.
4. Institute Command and Control Procedures
DHS should describe how it will work with the private sector to respond
and recover from a massive failure of information technology systems, either
due to a cyber attack or natural disaster. DHS needs to establish a clear
"chain of command" in the case of such an incident. This is especially
important since the private sector owns and operates most of the nation's
critical information infrastructure. There are critical questions to be
answered such as: what defines an incident of national significance? which
government agencies should be involved? which private sector entities? what
is the legal significance of such a declaration?
5. Articulate an Emergency Communications System
DHS should ensure that we have a resilient communications system in place
to execute command and control in the case of a major cyber disruption. Such
a system will need to work even when telecommunications and
Internet-connectivity are unavailable. This requires processes and protocols
to communicate reliably and effectively and advance identification of the
key stakeholders who need access to the emergency communications systems in
order to perform their recovery and reconstitution duties.
6. Create a National Information Assurance Policy
Given that cyber security responsibilities span multiple government
agencies, a national policy is needed that outlines the key roles that
relevant government agencies should play in the protection of our cyber
infrastructure. While the establishment of a national information assurance
policy is not solely the responsibility of DHS, it has a critical role to
play in its development and implementation and its support of such a
government-wide policy is needed. |