About CSIA
CSIA is the only advocacy group dedicated to ensuring the privacy, reliability and integrity of information systems through public policy, technology, education and awareness. The organization is led by CEOs from the world�s top security providers, who offer the technical expertise, depth and focus to encourage a better understanding of security issues. It is the belief of the CSIA that a comprehensive approach to ensuring the security of information systems is fundamental to global protection and economic stability.
Creating a secure online environment can only be achieved through a comprehensive effort involving the implementation of appropriate public policy, effective security technology, high industry standards, and support from governments worldwide. CSIA members are united in their mission to enhance cyber security through public policy initiatives, public sector partnerships, corporate outreach, academic programs, alignment behind emerging industry technology standards and public education.
The Cyber Security Industry Alliance is an independent legal entity, a 501 (c) (6) organization incorporated in the state of Delaware in the United States. The organization is led by a slate of officers, elected by the board of directors. The board governs the direction of the Alliance and is chartered with helping the organization's officers fulfill its mission and with seeing that the Alliance operates in the best interests of its members and according to its bylaws.